
灵感 体育


如果您正在预订您的 奥克兰之旅 最后一分钟,我们帮你搞定了. 以下是一些顶级旅游和体验!
从附近的基地 阿尔伯特公园, 踏板的动力 offers a way to explore Auckland city’s public and private side in guided tours on easy-to-ride 电动自行车.  The hardest part is walking up the hill to meet friendly owner/guide Eddie Jack, 谁充满了热情, 鼓励和信息.
After a welcome, there is a calm and reassuring introduction to 电动自行车的,并在停车场对它们进行安全练习.  当每个人都感到自信时, 不用花时间, 因为自行车很容易操作, 你开始了你的探险, immediately discovering the advantages of an electrically-powered bicycle on the city’s many hills. 

A simple press of a button is all that’s required to add a satisfying boost to your 容易蹬车, and it’s immensely satisfying to ride uphill without breaking a sweat.  Comfortable head-sets mean that everyone can hear Eddie’s commentary and directions, 所以你总是知道你要去哪里.
在Inside Loop上,16公里的旅程需要2小时.5 hours to cruise through some of the city’s most vibrant neighbourhoods, taking advantage of the many dedicated cycleways as well as quieter back-street routes.  为格拉夫顿峡谷供电, 沿着亮粉色的光路绕个小弯, 但主要的焦点是K路的内圈, Ponsonby, 格雷·林恩和温亚德区.  有很多站可以进去看看, photos and informative chats about places you might have driven past for years without even noticing.
有些东西你会学到的是惊人的:比如50,000 people who were displaced in the mid-sixties when the inner-city motorway was built.  Some of it is surprising, like St Kevin’s Arcade and its quirky shops. And some is simply lovely, like Hakanoa Street’s stately avenue of plane trees.  Ponsonby’s lively history supplies many entertaining stories, one of them about a murderer appropriately named Gunn; and a leisurely inspection of the many elegant old villas in Grey Lynn’s quiet side streets is a real delight.
赫恩湾和韦斯特海文都有自己的故事, 艾迪也有同感, 然后游览温亚德区, 现在正沉浸在美洲杯的兴奋之中. 
If anything, this section of the waterfront is even more appealing on Eddie’s City Lights tour.  这骑, 为此,你要穿上反光的安全装备, 日落前开始, taking advantage of all the inner city’s literal highlights, of which there are far more than you might have expected.  Tucked around side streets and down alleys are colourfully illuminated artworks, 雕塑, 你从来不知道那里有壁画和建筑, 但艾迪可以告诉你一切.
自然,光之路是这次旅行的主要特色, its interactive lights providing some fun as you ride along its bright pink surface, 你头顶上的天空塔更加明亮.  It’s a real contrast after that to cross through the darkness of Victoria Park, but then comes the Harbour Bridge with its LED lightshow, 以及散布在筒仓公园周围的艺术品.

接下来你进入高架桥的明亮灯光, 它的餐馆里挤满了食客, people clustered below the big America’s Cup screens showing racing yachts, and the inner harbour twinkling as the pedestrian bridge lifts up to let a boat through.  Night is definitely the best time to head to the end of nearby Queen’s Wharf, 灯塔装置在黑暗中闪耀的地方, and Captain Cook inside shimmers with coloured reflections. 
It's just a short ride up the hill now to the end of the tour, but there’s no doubt you’ll be heading back down to the waterfront to continue your evening’s entertainment, 艾迪对此有很多建议.
He will also be sending you the photos that he’s been taking of you along the route, 还有一张漂亮的GPS地图,上面显示了你的确切路线, 这样你就有了旅行的纪念品.  It also goes without saying that you will forever after be a convert to 电动自行车.

踏板的动力 提供各种旅游. The City Lights tour is $85 per person, minimum age 14, maximum four people.  三个日间游, 对于更大的群体, 那105美元的逍遥骑士呢, a waterfront cruise from Mission Bay to the Bridge; the Inside Loop, also at $105; and The Classic, 彻底的.市中心5小时探索,135美元.  也有定制旅游可要求. All tours begin from the car park underneath the Pullman Hotel.